A lot of stuff goes into my brain, some of it by choice. If I decided to watch, read, play, or do it, I'd like to talk about it here. I'm a musician, a sometime actor, a frequent player of electronic and table-top games, and a lapsed reader (though I'm getting better). I write long and awkward sentences, because the more things resemble Douglas Adams' writing, the more I want to live in the world. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 17, 2004


I've made a bit of headway -- basically kicking a couple of stupid MS things out of my system config, and then getting a bunch of assignment pages loaded. And so I march onward! I've managed to do some fun compound procedures and tracing, and that's encouraging. I was able to point a fellow student to PSFTP so that he could upload/download files to his CDF account.

Bryce has generously offered to give me Scheme guidance, though he'd personally rather work on the game we're trying to concoct. (for which X-Men Legends has suddenly become a dramatic inspiration!) I may take him up on it, but for some reason I can't formulate my questions in a useful way right now.

Oh well.

I'm hitting the Allowed Procedures List to figure out what I can or can't use on the assignment questions. That will help focus my reading. :P

And the printer's not only nearly dead; it's really most sincerely dead. Further tongue-protrusion.

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