A lot of stuff goes into my brain, some of it by choice. If I decided to watch, read, play, or do it, I'd like to talk about it here. I'm a musician, a sometime actor, a frequent player of electronic and table-top games, and a lapsed reader (though I'm getting better). I write long and awkward sentences, because the more things resemble Douglas Adams' writing, the more I want to live in the world. Thanks for reading.

Monday, October 18, 2004



I did it! First try, no errors, wrote the recursive procedure I needed for assignment 2 part 2.

I did it.

I can do it.

Take that, sense of crushing despair.

1 comment:

Ilan said...

Since then, I've even gotten another question done. This Car-Cdr recursion stuff? I GOT it. Yo.

Still, the real pain is going to be CSC263... and so I shift to that mode.