A lot of stuff goes into my brain, some of it by choice. If I decided to watch, read, play, or do it, I'd like to talk about it here. I'm a musician, a sometime actor, a frequent player of electronic and table-top games, and a lapsed reader (though I'm getting better). I write long and awkward sentences, because the more things resemble Douglas Adams' writing, the more I want to live in the world. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

silence is brazen

A non-decision not to post does indicate what you think it does.

Breakdown of routine. Lethal breakdown of routine.

I've salvaged CSC263 final exam from the wreckage -- I think that course has gone OK. I'm somewhat less clear on 363. Hopefully that's gone okay.

324 is nothing but wreckage. This exam needs to be all but perfect in order for there to be anything like a recovery. I don't even know what to say about that.

108 paper just hasn't come together. I need to assemble and conclude that sucker the second this exzam is overwith on Monday.

Musically, the concert went fine and I'm glad that's done, but I'm fairly sure I'm staying out of committing to two groups next semester. It's a tough call.

Finally, there's some work-related stuff, not school-related, for me to describe, but that's not going up here, that's going on the LJ where applicable and staying quiet where inapplicable. Plus, anything that happens at work is likely to be on Tim's blog anyway.

Rough. Rough semester. I'm revising next semester accordingly. I still want to finish in the summer if possible.

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