A lot of stuff goes into my brain, some of it by choice. If I decided to watch, read, play, or do it, I'd like to talk about it here. I'm a musician, a sometime actor, a frequent player of electronic and table-top games, and a lapsed reader (though I'm getting better). I write long and awkward sentences, because the more things resemble Douglas Adams' writing, the more I want to live in the world. Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 17, 2005


New semester.

New course load.

New job.

New repertoire.

New outlook? Not sure. The courses, beside the two carry-over Political Science classes, include CSC401 (Natural Language Computing, aka "munging giant swathes of text in Python"), CSC343 (Databases, aka "welcome to db2, here's your accordion") and CSC373 (Algorithms, aka "if it were any more theoretical, it would be theological").

Music is a little more "directed" this semester. It's all about a series of recording sessions, which should encompass about 10-14 tunes, all of which appear fairly difficult. Onoscat is definitely giving its members a push.

And, er. Dude. I just realized that song I'd been trying to identify for about 4 months was in fact a Sneaker Pimps tune, "How Do". There we go. Much better.